
“Robert breathes and represents Voice Dialogue; a true master.”

"Inspiring, professional and a really nice man. Driven and willing to share his big knowledge. I wholeheartedly recommend his work."

Wendy Derksen

Robert Stamboliev

Wendy Derksen

"Inspiring, professional and a really nice man. Driven and willing to share his big knowledge. I wholeheartedly recommend his work."

”Dear Robert, I appreciate also your style of leadership – taking the lead at times when necessary to be the focal point and allowing the rest of the time spaces for anyone else to come in, very in tune with the environmental energy of the group.”

Catherine Wuillaume

Robert Stamboliev

Catherine Wuillaume

“I thought the overall program was extremely good.”

"I found observing you, Robert enormously useful and instructive, and also the facilitations you gave me to be very powerful and skilled.  I am still processing the material which emerged for me."

Diana Scambler

Robert Stamboliev

Diana Scambler

"I found observing you, Robert enormously useful and instructive, and also the facilitations you gave me to be very powerful and skilled.  I am still processing the material which emerged for me."

“I joined a transformational week with Robert in Italy and there Robert has taught me and showed me again what a wonderful way of working Voice Dialogue is.”

"With his calm, composed and very trustworthy way of working he creates a safe working environment. He is an expert in his field and inspired teacher!"

Nicolette Kat

Robert Stamboliev

Nicolette Kat

"With his calm, composed and very trustworthy way of working he creates a safe working environment. He is an expert in his field and inspired teacher!"

“Being coached by Robert was for me a life changing experience.”

"I got to know and understand myself on a deeper level. I started to see and learned how I could take better care of myself. As a result I have more balance, rest, trust, power, space..."

H. Z.

Robert Stamboliev

H. Z.

"I got to know and understand myself on a deeper level. I started to see and learned how I could take better care of myself. As a result I have more balance, rest, trust, power, space..."

Already one session with Robert Stamboliev gave me a lot!

Already one session with Robert Stamboliev gave me a lot of information about my essential being, and which influences (inside and outside of myself) determine my actions. Very clarifying and meaningful! Robert is a very skilful professional, clear and empathetic. Wholly recommended!

Marten Liewes Coaching and Training

Robert Stamboliev

Marten Liewes Coaching and Training

Already one session with Robert Stamboliev gave me a lot of information about my essential being, and which influences (inside and outside of myself) determine my actions. Very clarifying and meaningful! Robert is a very skilful professional, clear and empathetic. Wholly recommended!

“Since I got acquainted with Voice Dialogue I am a great supporter of Robert’s work.”

"Robert Is the driving force behind Voice Dialogue in Europe and actively stimulates rejuvenation and spreading of the method. His experience and study - spanning many years - enable him to use a wide variety of instruments to accompany his clients. Robert is a great coach who can facilitate the transformational process like no one else."

Astrid Hennekam
Vice president KLM USA

Robert Stamboliev

Astrid Hennekam
Vice president KLM USA

"Robert Is the driving force behind Voice Dialogue in Europe and actively stimulates rejuvenation and spreading of the method. His experience and study - spanning many years - enable him to use a wide variety of instruments to accompany his clients. Robert is a great coach who can facilitate the transformational process like no one else."

“Robert offered a loosely knitted program around a number of well-organized highlights.”

"His way of working is extremely flexible and adaptable to individual needs, enabling both a stimulating group process and highly individualized self-exploration and development. That, together with the incredibly friendly and welcoming atmosphere makes this a truly nourishing experience. In my line of work this is a great way to take care of one’s own emotional, spiritual and worldly needs. I am surprised by the insights (and some completely new questions), which I took home from this workshop. They will feed me for a long time to come. A big thank you!"

Elmer Goudsmit

Robert Stamboliev

Elmer Goudsmit

"His way of working is extremely flexible and adaptable to individual needs, enabling both a stimulating group process and highly individualized self-exploration and development. That, together with the incredibly friendly and welcoming atmosphere makes this a truly nourishing experience. In my line of work this is a great way to take care of one’s own emotional, spiritual and worldly needs. I am surprised by the insights (and some completely new questions), which I took home from this workshop. They will feed me for a long time to come. A big thank you!"

“This training was rich and magical for me.”

"Robert's mature and sensitive guidance and leadership, spiced with his mischievous humour, provided me with a nourishing and inspiring immersion into the realm of the essential energies..."

Daryl Vansier

Robert Stamboliev

Daryl Vansier

"Robert's mature and sensitive guidance and leadership, spiced with his mischievous humour, provided me with a nourishing and inspiring immersion into the realm of the essential energies..."

“Robert Stamboliev does remarkable work; he is able to lead people into a direct experience of the archetypes and, perhaps, even into other dimensions”, as Sidra Stone says.

"And I can add that he can easily help you to expand your consciousness while drinking ouzo, dancing sirtaki and even arguing with a donkey! My experience with him inviting in the energy of the Organizing Intelligence of the Universe has been powerful and deep. When you work at this level the less spoken the better. I’m definitely happy to have shared this experience with him and my journey towards the archetypes is something sacred for me to treasure and to keep with me forever.”

Beatrice Cavallucci

Robert Stamboliev

Beatrice Cavallucci

"And I can add that he can easily help you to expand your consciousness while drinking ouzo, dancing sirtaki and even arguing with a donkey! My experience with him inviting in the energy of the Organizing Intelligence of the Universe has been powerful and deep. When you work at this level the less spoken the better. I’m definitely happy to have shared this experience with him and my journey towards the archetypes is something sacred for me to treasure and to keep with me forever.”

“Robert Stamboliev is a teacher of teachers and we wish to honor him appropriately.”

“Robert, perhaps more than anyone else, has been responsible for introducing Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves in Europe. His trainings have produced – in addition to excellent facilitators – an amazing variety of brilliant teachers and creative innovators."

Recommendation by Hal and Sidra Stone
Founders Voice Dialogue

Robert Stamboliev

Recommendation by Hal and Sidra Stone
Founders Voice Dialogue

“Robert, perhaps more than anyone else, has been responsible for introducing Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves in Europe. His trainings have produced – in addition to excellent facilitators – an amazing variety of brilliant teachers and creative innovators."

“A precious experience to feel that we have more stability in our relationship and that it becomes more pleasant.”

"We laugh more, there is more relaxation and less tension. We live life to the fullest!"

Cees and Maria
clients relationship therapy

Robert Stamboliev

Cees and Maria
clients relationship therapy

"We laugh more, there is more relaxation and less tension. We live life to the fullest!"

“A wonderful deep inner journey on a special location that contributes to the power of the journey, with respectful facilitators.”

"You get all the space you need to welcome what presents itself! And that is quite a lot!"

Recommendation by Erna Berghuizen

Robert Stamboliev

Recommendation by Erna Berghuizen

"You get all the space you need to welcome what presents itself! And that is quite a lot!"

“The best Voice Dialogue trainer I have seen!”

Bernd Knabe

Robert Stamboliev

Bernd Knabe

“Impressed by Robert’s Mastery!”

In the fall of 2017 Robert Stamboliev led our nationwide professionalization days for Van Ede & Partners. 65 Van Ede colleagues followed two days of continuing education, in the form of training in the Voice Dialogue method. We were impressed by the expertise, but above all the Mastery that Robert showed in training this group of very experienced  professionals. Humorous, attentive, sharp. From a solid grounding that made flexibility possible, in the program and in the relaxed interaction with the eager, sometimes critical, colleagues. From start to finish there was a strong tension span in the program, with ‘working with the field’ as the icing on the cake. We were extremely satisfied about the days. Thank you Robert!

Dinja van Gestel
National Director Van Ede & Partners

Robert Stamboliev

Dinja van Gestel
National Director Van Ede & Partners

In the fall of 2017 Robert Stamboliev led our nationwide professionalization days for Van Ede & Partners. 65 Van Ede colleagues followed two days of continuing education, in the form of training in the Voice Dialogue method. We were impressed by the expertise, but above all the Mastery that Robert showed in training this group of very experienced  professionals. Humorous, attentive, sharp. From a solid grounding that made flexibility possible, in the program and in the relaxed interaction with the eager, sometimes critical, colleagues. From start to finish there was a strong tension span in the program, with ‘working with the field’ as the icing on the cake. We were extremely satisfied about the days. Thank you Robert!

“And now, a few months later, I still feel I can trust myself.”

"That the inner child is safe with me, which I’m proud of. I could not have foreseen this development when I restarted the sessions with Robert. With this depth and with a far-reaching impact on the rest of my life… Thank you Robert!"

Anja G.

Robert Stamboliev

Anja G.

"That the inner child is safe with me, which I’m proud of. I could not have foreseen this development when I restarted the sessions with Robert. With this depth and with a far-reaching impact on the rest of my life… Thank you Robert!"

Robert heeft met de dagworkshop Voice Dialogue voor de interne coachpool van de Gemeente Amsterdam iets neergezet dat van grote waarde is.

Robert heeft met de dagworkshop Voice Dialogue voor de interne coachpool van de Gemeente Amsterdam iets neergezet dat van grote waarde is. Die waarde zit voor mij in de kracht van Robert om mee te bewegen en tegelijkertijd ook volledig bij zichzelf te blijven.

Zo suggereerde hij bijvoorbeeld een andere vorm voor de dag dan ons voorstel, waarmee hij wij niet alleen een kennismaking met Voice Dialogue kregen, maar ook met individuele sessies de diepgang van het werk te ervaren. Dit sloot veel beter aan bij onze onderliggende wens, maar we hadden niet bedacht dat dit in één dag mogelijk zou zijn.

Ook gedurende de dag werkte dit door. Zo kan Robert met zijn decennia aan ervaring de theoretische kant van de werkvorm uitstekend toelichten. Daarnaast nam hij ons mee in energetische kant van het werk, dat juist vraagt om niet vooruit te denken, maar mee te voelen en je aandacht op de energie te richten. Door beide kanten te belichten gaf Robert ons vertrouwen in de kracht van het energetische aspect van het werk.

De middag was door de ingebrachte individuele sessie voor ieder van ons een extra cadeau. Door ook zelf te ervaren hoe het is om begeleid te worden door een Voice Dialogue facilitator was iedereen aan het eind van de dag een ervaring rijker. Een ervaring die bij meerdere mensen ook echt aan hen af te lezen was door een andere kleur in het gezicht, meer ontspanning, een grote grijns. Bijzonder om het effect op deze manier zo direct mee te maken.

Dankjewel Robert!

Niels van Santen

Coachpool Gemeente Amsterdam

Robert Stamboliev

Niels van Santen

Coachpool Gemeente Amsterdam

Robert heeft met de dagworkshop Voice Dialogue voor de interne coachpool van de Gemeente Amsterdam iets neergezet dat van grote waarde is. Die waarde zit voor mij in de kracht van Robert om mee te bewegen en tegelijkertijd ook volledig bij zichzelf te blijven. Zo suggereerde hij bijvoorbeeld een andere vorm voor de dag dan ons voorstel, waarmee hij wij niet alleen een kennismaking met Voice Dialogue kregen, maar ook met individuele sessies de diepgang van het werk te ervaren. Dit sloot veel beter aan bij onze onderliggende wens, maar we hadden niet bedacht dat dit in één dag mogelijk zou zijn. Ook gedurende de dag werkte dit door. Zo kan Robert met zijn decennia aan ervaring de theoretische kant van de werkvorm uitstekend toelichten. Daarnaast nam hij ons mee in energetische kant van het werk, dat juist vraagt om niet vooruit te denken, maar mee te voelen en je aandacht op de energie te richten. Door beide kanten te belichten gaf Robert ons vertrouwen in de kracht van het energetische aspect van het werk. De middag was door de ingebrachte individuele sessie voor ieder van ons een extra cadeau. Door ook zelf te ervaren hoe het is om begeleid te worden door een Voice Dialogue facilitator was iedereen aan het eind van de dag een ervaring rijker. Een ervaring die bij meerdere mensen ook echt aan hen af te lezen was door een andere kleur in het gezicht, meer ontspanning, een grote grijns. Bijzonder om het effect op deze manier zo direct mee te maken. Dankjewel Robert!

“I met Robert just once for a short session of Voice Dialogue on a small mountain called Voirons near Geneva Switzerland, about 30 years ago.”

"I didn't progress very much since then in VD but I learned one precious thing: the dark parts of my personality are as precious, as good, as lovable as the luminous ones. So I don't have to hate any aspect of myself. What a relief!" Thank you Robert!

PIerre Ruel

Robert Stamboliev

PIerre Ruel

"I didn't progress very much since then in VD but I learned one precious thing: the dark parts of my personality are as precious, as good, as lovable as the luminous ones. So I don't have to hate any aspect of myself. What a relief!" Thank you Robert!
Robert Stamboliev