“Robert offered a loosely knitted program around a number of well-organized highlights.”

“Robert offered a loosely knitted program around a number of well-organized highlights.”

"His way of working is extremely flexible and adaptable to individual needs, enabling both a stimulating group process and highly individualized self-exploration and development. That, together with the incredibly friendly and welcoming atmosphere makes this a truly nourishing experience. In my line of work this is a great way to take care of one’s own emotional, spiritual and worldly needs. I am surprised by the insights (and some completely new questions), which I took home from this workshop. They will feed me for a long time to come. A big thank you!"

Elmer Goudsmit

Robert Stamboliev

Elmer Goudsmit

"His way of working is extremely flexible and adaptable to individual needs, enabling both a stimulating group process and highly individualized self-exploration and development. That, together with the incredibly friendly and welcoming atmosphere makes this a truly nourishing experience. In my line of work this is a great way to take care of one’s own emotional, spiritual and worldly needs. I am surprised by the insights (and some completely new questions), which I took home from this workshop. They will feed me for a long time to come. A big thank you!"